Tag: curses

If Only I Would Have Jumped

I think we all have had situations in life where we looked back and thought, Boy, I wish I would have done that. At the time something was holding us back. But now looking back, we regret that we didn’t take the opportunity that was before us.

Today we are going to replay a podcast called “If Only I Would Have Jumped” that talks about the “if only’s” of life. Come along with us.

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4 Powerful RTF Prayers

Here are four powerful prayers that will bless your life as you walk in more of the freedom and healing that God has for you.

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God Causes Good

God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes. Does this really mean that everything works for our good? What about when bad things happen? Even bad things work for good? The answer is yes! In this podcast we will look at how God is able to take everything that happens in our life, even those really difficult things and cause them to work for our good. Come along, I think you will be encouraged.

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Generational Curses

What if something had happened in your family line or was currently happening that gave the enemy entrance to continue hounding you? You would want to do something about that wouldn’t you? Generational curses are affecting you whether you like it or not. But because of the blood of Jesus, there is something you can do about it.

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Ungodly Beliefs

Would you ever be in agreement with Satan? If you’re believing an ungodly belief about yourself, then you are indeed ignoring what Jesus says about you and agreeing with the father of lies himself and living out your life in the boundaries of that lie. Hard to believe right?

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Sins of the Fathers

Sins of the Fathers are generational curses carried over from our ancestors for unrepentant sin that carries on the pressure for us to sin in certain areas of our lives through successive generations.

Until we confess and break the power of those sins in our lives we will continue to struggle and experience the pressures to act upon those same sins in our own lives.

Today on the podcast, Lee shares how these sins work and how we can obtain freedom from them in our lives and the lives our children and our children’s children.

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