Tag: faith

If Only I Would Have Jumped

I think we all have had situations in life where we looked back and thought, Boy, I wish I would have done that. At the time something was holding us back. But now looking back, we regret that we didn’t take the opportunity that was before us.

Today we are going to replay a podcast called “If Only I Would Have Jumped” that talks about the “if only’s” of life. Come along with us.

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What is something you have to have in order to live the Christian Life, yet it is hard to measure? The answer is Faith. And faith by itself is not enough. Faith must be combined with Belief and Trust in order to give you what you need in your walk with God. In today’s podcast we are going to look at how Faith, Belief, and Trust work together, and how we can help our faith to grow.

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Perseverance. Perseverance means a steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. The Bible talks a lot about the need for perseverance in the Christian life. In this podcast I am going to talk about what perseverance might look like in our lives.

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Just Ordinary People

God loves to take ordinary people, people like you and me and put His extra on them so they become extraordinary. In this podcast we are going to look at some ordinary people who God used in extraordinary ways. Come along, I believe it will be encouraging to you.

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Facing a Fiery Furnace

The King said, “Wait a minute, there are four men in that fire and the one looks like the Son of God.” We may never have to face a literal fiery furnace, but many of us are facing fiery trials almost every day. In this podcast we are going to look at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego facing their fiery furnace to discover God’s truth that can help us face our own trials.

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