Tag: God

You Can Call Me Daddy

One of the greatest needs we have is to have a father in our lives. Many people have grown up without a Father in their home and some grew up with not so good fathers. The good news for all of us is that we not only have a Father, we have a Daddy. Come along in this podcast as we show that God invites us to call Him Daddy.

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Romans 7

I don’t do what I know I ought to do, but I do the very things I know I shouldn’t do. Can you relate? Sometimes, we feel like we are almost driven to do things we don’t want to do. Why is that? What is the driving force behind this struggle? That is going to be the topic of this podcast. Come along as we delve into Romans 7 and see how understanding this book of the bible might be a game changer for us.

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Faith Against All Odds

Did you know that you might believe things you’ve been told or learned—even in church—that could be inaccurate? I don’t think my sweet Miss Alice, my Sunday School teacher, knew the information was incorrect; she was simply teaching from the manual given her. Today, I encourage you to explore any possible misconceptions you learned and have come to believe.

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Taking Every Thought Captive

Have you ever said something and then instantly regretted it? Of course most of us have. Did you know that the #1 battleground for the enemy is your mind? Did you know that sometimes even good thoughts need to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ? In today’s podcast we are going to talk about the verse that says to take every thought captive and just how important that is.

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It’s Time To Begin Again

At the beginning of a New Year, we often evaluate the past year and make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of you may have already decided to start exercising or eating healthier. Maybe you decided to join the “dry January” group. Perhaps you’re going to pray more or read the Bible more. All of these are great, but that’s not what we will discuss today in our podcast. Would you be interested in finding out how you might achieve your newly set goals more successfully? Before you can improve things, you might need to do something to succeed in those goals.

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God Is Good, All The Time

You have probably heard the theme in church that, “God is good all the time. All the time God is good”. What do you do when you can’t verify that God is good with your circumstances. In this week’s podcast Lee Whitman is going to share a personal journey he and Cindi are on that speaks into that very topic. Come along with us!

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Looking Forward by Looking Back

Does the celebration of the coming new year have any significance to you or is it another been there done that event? Is the beginning of a new year just a day to gather with your friends and family and watch football and indulge in your favorite foods? In this week’s podcast I would like to challenge us that this new years day could be both a time of great significance for you personally as well as a wonderful chance to get together with friends and family and eat some great BBQ.

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It Was a Dark Day, Until It Wasn’t

As we approach this time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we wanted to reintroduce Jesus to you. I know, you already know Jesus. In today’s podcast we are going to play a message by Michael Stephens that will reintroduce you to the person of Jesus.

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If Only I Would Have Jumped

I think we all have had situations in life where we looked back and thought, Boy, I wish I would have done that. At the time something was holding us back. But now looking back, we regret that we didn’t take the opportunity that was before us.

Today we are going to replay a podcast called “If Only I Would Have Jumped” that talks about the “if only’s” of life. Come along with us.

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Help for the Holidays

Do you find that getting together with your family or friends for the holidays can be a little stressful? Have you ever noticed that the things you thought you have dealt with from your past seem to not be totally dealt with when you are around family? Not to fear. RTF can help you enjoy your holidays even with all of the family confined to one house for the day.

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