4 Powerful RTF Prayers
Here are four powerful prayers that will bless your life as you walk in more of the freedom and healing that God has for you.
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Here are four powerful prayers that will bless your life as you walk in more of the freedom and healing that God has for you.
Perseverance. Perseverance means a steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. The Bible talks a lot about the need for perseverance in the Christian life. In this podcast I am going to talk about what perseverance might look like in our lives.
God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes. Does this really mean that everything works for our good? What about when bad things happen? Even bad things work for good? The answer is yes! In this podcast we will look at how God is able to take everything that happens in our life, even those really difficult things and cause them to work for our good. Come along, I think you will be encouraged.
Why is it important for us to spend time reading the Bible? In other words, what are the benefits of reading the Bible. In this podcast we will look at just a few of the benefits to you as a believer of spending time reading God’s Word.
There are two very common strongholds that may be affecting your life and you might not even be away of them. In this weeks podcast we are going to talk about the Shame Fear Control Stronghold. Next week we will look at the Control Rejection Rebellion Stronghold. You don’t want to miss either of these podcasts.
Did you know that we get to team with God to see His Kingdom come to earth? Yes! For His own reasons God has chosen to work through you and me to bring healing and restoration to His Children. And the result of that restoration is the subject of this podcast.
Have you noticed how often the bible talks about deception? The world we live in is being infected by the lies from the father of lies. You can easily see deception today in our schools, especially many of our colleges and universities. You see deception displayed across the TV screen every night. You even see deception infecting the church of Jesus Christ. In today’s podcast we are going to talk about what it takes to fight deception in your life.