Tag: rejection

Help for the Holidays

Do you find that getting together with your family or friends for the holidays can be a little stressful? Have you ever noticed that the things you thought you have dealt with from your past seem to not be totally dealt with when you are around family? Not to fear. RTF can help you enjoy your holidays even with all of the family confined to one house for the day.

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The Control Rebellion Rejection Stronghold

Did you know that there is a stronghold whose sole focus is to divide people from each other and destroy relationships? Do you have reoccurring conflicts in some of your relationships and can’t figure out why? I have good news for you. In today’s podcast we are going to talk about a stronghold that might be causing these struggles.

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Stronghold of Rejection

Do you ever find yourself walking into a room and wondering what the people in the room are thinking about you? Or do you find yourself staying toward the outside of a group of people, even people you might be friends with? When you compare yourself with those around you do you consistently find yourself feeling like you don’t fit in with the crowd? In today’s podcast we are going to look at how the stronghold of rejection can taint the way we look at ourselves and others.

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