Tag: strongholds

The Control Rebellion Rejection Stronghold

Did you know that there is a stronghold whose sole focus is to divide people from each other and destroy relationships? Do you have reoccurring conflicts in some of your relationships and can’t figure out why? I have good news for you. In today’s podcast we are going to talk about a stronghold that might be causing these struggles.

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The Shame Fear Control Stronghold

There are two very common strongholds that may be affecting your life and you might not even be away of them. In this weeks podcast we are going to talk about the Shame Fear Control Stronghold. Next week we will look at the Control Rejection Rebellion Stronghold. You don’t want to miss either of these podcasts.

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Demonic Oppression

Can a Christian be demon possessed? Can they be demon oppressed? What’s the difference? Did you know as a Believer you have the power and authority to cast out demons? Did you know casting out demons should be a more common activity in our lives than what you may believe?

Stay tuned as Lee shares with us this week about Demonic Oppression and how as believers we can and should handle this reality in our own lives on a regular basis.

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