Tag: thoughts

Taking Every Thought Captive

Have you ever said something and then instantly regretted it? Of course most of us have. Did you know that the #1 battleground for the enemy is your mind? Did you know that sometimes even good thoughts need to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ? In today’s podcast we are going to talk about the verse that says to take every thought captive and just how important that is.

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It’s Time To Begin Again

At the beginning of a New Year, we often evaluate the past year and make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of you may have already decided to start exercising or eating healthier. Maybe you decided to join the “dry January” group. Perhaps you’re going to pray more or read the Bible more. All of these are great, but that’s not what we will discuss today in our podcast. Would you be interested in finding out how you might achieve your newly set goals more successfully? Before you can improve things, you might need to do something to succeed in those goals.

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Give and It Will Be Given to You

What you sow into relationships you will reap from relationships. What you give to others will be given back to you. In this podcast we are going to talk about choosing the kind of relationships you really want.

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Benefits of God’s Word

Why is it important for us to spend time reading the Bible? In other words, what are the benefits of reading the Bible. In this podcast we will look at just a few of the benefits to you as a believer of spending time reading God’s Word.

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Renewing Your Mind

Do you remember when you received information from only one or two sources? Today information comes at you from almost a limitless number of places. And not all of the information is going to lead you closer to God. That is why having your mind renewed to the truth is so important, especially today. In this podcast we will look at the why’s and how of renewing your mind.

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