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Restoring the Foundations is here to help you, your leadership staff, & those in your community. We have been serving churches for 20+ years and our heart is to help the bride of Christ to get ready for her bridegroom.
We understand that as pastors and leaders you see the hurts and the struggles that many people are going through and having the right tool to help is the goal.
We understand that as pastors and leaders you see the hurts and the struggles that many people are going through, that’s why RTF, International is passionate about helping churches and organizations get the right tools to help those around you.
As a Pastor or leader of an organization we know that you are looking for ways to help your people. We understand the need for you to know what we do and how we do it. We take the responsibility of training and ministering to your people very seriously.
We are very intentional about how we train our ministers. They pass a rigorous pathway of training and are observed doing ministry several times before we release them to minister without supervision. Our goal is for them to be proficient and competent in the RTF Integrated approach of ministry and be led by the Holy Spirit throughout the ministry process. No one gets a rubber stamp of approval!
Restoring the Foundations (RTF) International is an international ministry based on revelation. The revelation is that every human being has four primary sources from which all problems arise. We call these four sources of problems: Sins of the Fathers and Resulting Curses or Family Baggage (which covers the historical and spiritual arenas), Ungodly Beliefs or Lies (which covers the cognitive arena), Soul/Spirit Hurts or wounded areas (which covers the emotional/heart arena), and Demonic Oppression (which covers all of these arenas).
The RTF revelation includes the importance of an integrated approach to these four areas, provides an understanding how they affect and interact with each other, and how they work together to keep a person in bondage.
RTF Ministry provides a systematic ministry process in which the powerful life-changing principles of God’s Word, including the finished work of Christ on the cross, are applied to these four sources of our problems. It uses an integrated approach as the ministry team follows the leading of the Holy Spirit, resulting in truly miraculous healing and freedom. In the process, the person has an ongoing opportunity to personally encounter the life-transforming power of God’s unconditional love, plus he learns how to work with the Holy Spirit for their own ongoing healing and freedom. Through RTF, the Lord restores and cleanses the very foundations of a person’s life and equips and empowers them to maintain freedom.
There is a statement that “hurt people, hurt people”. It can also be said that “healed people, heal people.” It is normal for a church to be filled with people that are living out of the hurts and wounds of their past. Often, pastors and leaders find themselves constantly navigating the issues that surface as a result of people not knowing how to walk in healing and freedom. Leaders can find their time frequently being zapped by those in need of ongoing help. RTF understands and can help!
Individuals and churches throughout the world are discovering the healing and freedom Father desires for His children.
For more information on how RTF can partner with your church or organization simply contact us.
RTF Ministry provides seminars for the whole church, for a specific group or for leaders only.
Our goal would be to first have some (or all!) of your senior leadership team receive RTF ministry for themselves. When the leaders go first the people follow! You will have an increased understanding as you personally experience the powerful impact RTF ministry can have in a life.
The RTF ministry is usually provided by a team of two trained and released RTF ministers.
One of the easiest formats for introducing the RTF revelation into a church, and to equip and release a number of the church members, is the RTF Issue-Focused Ministry (IFM) format. It is designed to deal with one specific issue/problem in an individual’s life in a 2-3 hour session; an issue that is hindering the individual from enjoying the highest quality of life personally, with family, and in their destiny in God. Training in this format also increases the effectiveness of altar ministers.
In IFM ministry, the RTF ministry can be provided by one lead minister with an assistant that serves as an intercessor or by a team of two trained and released RTF ministers
RTF Thorough Format ministry is a deeper level of healing. It is approximately 15 hours of ministry for an individual where we address a number of issues in a person’s life. For couples we add two additional sessions that specifically address their marriage. (approximate 34 ministry hours)
This format provides time to do a ‘thorough’ cleansing of the major issues in the Ministry Receiver’s life.
Want to start your own RTF ministry at your church? Our passion and desire is to train up teams of people within your church, or ministry organization, to do RTF ministry. We provide the time proven, standardized, Holy Spirit led training and you benefit by having ‘in house’ ministers that can minister healing and freedom to those in need.
It is our experience that when RTF ministry is established in a church the church body is healthier and there are fewer issues for the leadership team to navigate. By the way, we all need help at some point in our lives!
Host A RTF Event At your church
Our introductory seminar shares an overview of why and how Jesus is using Restoring the Foundations ministry and the integrated approach to biblical healing and deliverance to set His people free.
These seminars are led by highly qualified Healing House Network ministry teams who bring to life each unique aspect of our ministry. Plus, you will have the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and purchase helpful resources as you go deeper into Father’s love.
This seminar can be tailor-made according to the needs of the church or organization.
The RTF Hope Healing and Freedom Seminar is an introduction of the RTF revelation to the local church body. We encourage the entire church to attend, so that all members can become aware of God’s plan for their receiving His healing and freedom. The goal of this seminar is for the attendees to “taste and see that the Lord is good,” as they learn how to receive God’s healing and experience a taste of it for themselves during the seminar.
During this 4 – 5 hour seminar the participants will learn about the integrated approach of RTF ministry and experience it during group ministry.
Would you like to have some Issue-Focused Ministers to serve your church or ministry organization?
This seminar activation is for those who feel called to be trained as local church RTF Issue Focused ministers. It is a combination of video and zoom training as well as live ‘hands on’ practice. There are a variety of ways in which this training can be accomplished. Our seasoned, well-qualified RTF Activation Leaders are involved with your trainees throughout the process. Our goal is for our ministers to be proficient and competent in the RTF integrated approach and are Holy Spirit led.