RTF 2023 Year In Review

Dear RTF family,

What a year we have had! We want to express to you just how grateful we are to you at this time of year, as we look back at all we’ve seen accomplished as the stewards of Restoring The Foundations. You have been with us all the way, and RTF simply wouldn’t be where it is without you. Thank you.

In this season of gratitude, let’s look back at were we have been in 2023.

Watch the video below and read on below.

Under One Roof

The move to have all Restoring The Foundations resources and online services under one roof started a couple years ago, and it feels so good to see all that hard work, diligence, prayer, and patience come to fruition this year as we “moved in” and the last “bricks” were laid.

You’ll remember that in June of 2022 we launched a new section of the RTF website called myRTF. MyRTF creates a home for everyone who is involved with RTF, from ministers enhancing their training, others who are simply shopping for RTF resources and searching for events, to those who are coming to receive RTF ministry. This was a huge blessing that brought all of the RTF goods and services under one roof. In myRTF a person has one place they will to go in order to see all of their purchased products, courses, and training, with just one log-in. This year we have continued that momentum, we feel like everyone has really been settling in. People love the simplicity of being able to find their information by going to just one location. And it has never been easier to provide support for every person that relies on RTF and the resources it provides.

The new website is HERE! It was launched in July of this year, and the feedback has been tremendous. The main comment we hear is that “the website is so user friendly”. The website was created with you, the RTF family as well as those who are just coming to check out RTF in mind, and it communicates better than ever the RTF Mission. The new site is easy to navigate, and easy to find what you are looking for. Many hours went into the planning and construction of the website and the results are worth all of the effort. It is beautiful and packed with helpful information for anyone wanting to check out RTF.

What is even more exciting than that? Now that we have a more accessible website and myRTF with all its resources and tools, we can look to the future! We have such a firm foundation now that countless technological hurdles have been removed from our path. We think of all those around the world who need God’s Hope, Healing and Freedom! And we feel more confident than ever that RTF is ready to help support all our ministers acting, as the hands and feet or Christ.

Thank you for walking with us thru this growing and building season. Your faithful prayers and donations have made this happen!

The RTF training process is very comprehensive. Along the way we were supported by our mentors, coaches and trainers. The live training week was intense, but our trainer was always there to encourage and support us. It was an amazing privilege to learn the RTF Integrated Approach to ministry and to WATCH GOD WORK! The lives of those we ministered to were radically changed in 5 days! We love RTF!”

From a recent TFM trainee

RTF in Ministry

Of course, technological achievements would mean nothing if we were not about God’s business. Here is how RTF was active bringing Hope, Healing and Freedom in 2023.

  • 850 Ministries Were Performed Around The World Touching People From many Nations
  • 40 Training Sessions All Over The World
  • Training Took Place In 26 Countries
  • Almost 200 New RTF Ministers Trained And Released

Perhaps you helped provide some of that ministry or perhaps you were the beneficiary. Either way, you are part of our family. We pray for you without ceasing, and we are honored to serve you and serve along side you!

Our communication is so much better now. We can talk about things without a blow-up. We are both more aware of the things we say and believe. We know how to get our hearts healed and we are hearing God more clearly.  We highly recommend RTF ministry to others.”

From a young couple that recently went through the TFM ministry

2023 Conference

Our 2023 ENCOUNTER conference was a huge blessing to all who attended! We ENCOUNTERED the Lord in each session in worship and with our dynamic speakers. The recorded sessions will be available soon! 

Our next RTF International Conference will be in 2025! It will be our 35th Anniversary Gala and Celebration! Plan now to attend! (Final Dates TBD)

Our Inaugural Trip To Israel

In April of 2023, we took 18 RTF ministers on our first RTF sponsored trip to Israel. It was an amazing time as we toured many of the traditional “Christian” sites like the Garden Tomb, the Garden of Gethsemane, and The Sea of Galilee. We also went to some traditional Orthodox Jewish sites, like Shiloh which is the site of the first temple, and many other very fascinating places that are not typically part of a Christian tour of Israel. By visiting these out of the ordinary places, we were given a taste of the nation of Israel and a love for the Jewish people.

Everyone came home with a changed heart for Israel and for our relationship with Jesus. We not only read about the Mount of Olives, we were on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will come on His return. We are already planning another RTF Israel trip for 2026.

Our hearts and prayers are with Israel and the Jewish people during this current horrific crisis. We pray for all the families impacted. We also pray for our enemies that their eyes would be opened to the TRUTH! We pray that God would be glorified in the midst of this crisis. We not only pray, but we financially support Israel through our giving.

New Online Seminars

Recently, we released two powerful seminars by Dr Kathy Tolleson on Restoring Sexuality and Overcoming Trauma. These are a fantastic additional resource in our healing journey. In the months ahead other online seminars will be released.

These seminars will equip and empower every believer and be beneficial for our RTF ministers. Some of the seminars ahead are: Trauma, Communication and Overcoming Fear and Anxiety. Watch for new releases!


Our Hope Healing and Freedom podcast is now in its second year! The RTF weekly podcast provides practical Biblical teaching that equips and empowers every believer. It has been well received and thousands are listening every week!

Looking Forward to 2024

Whew! That’s lot lot for one year!

We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in 2024! Join us, wont you in covering Restoring The Foundations in preparing prayer as we move through this season of gratitude and into the new year. And please consider including RTF for financial support. We will be launching our year end giving campaign soon, and we are always looking for monthly supporters too. So, please prayerfully consider how the Lord is leading you give to RTF this year. None of the above would have been possible without your generous participation, prayers, and financial support. And we know there are big things on the near horizon for RTF as well. Together, we can make 2024 the best year ever for RTF and the advance of the Kingdom!

RTF Featured on Exploring the Marketplace with Shawn Bolz & Bob Hasson

On the this week’s episode (July 31st 2024) of “Exploring the Marketplace with Shawn Bolz & Bob Hasson”  RTF directors, Lee & Cindi Whitman, were the guests. Watch for powerful insight and two special listener offers on products to help bring hope, healing, and freedom. 

RTF Featured on The Shawn Bolz Show

On the second half of this week’s episode (May 20th 2024) of “The Shawn Bolz Show”  RTF directors, Lee and Cindi Whitman, were the guests. Watch for powerful insight and two special listener offers on products to help bring hope, healing, and freedom.