“ORPHAN” Spirit & Mindset

Recently on our podcast, we have been covering the topic of the orphan heart. Today, we wanted to share a special message on the Orphan Spirit & Mindset from our friend Dr. Rickardo Bodden out of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, USA.

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“FATHER” Heart of God

When you think of the word “father”, what is the first impression that comes to mind? Do you have thoughts of love and compassion, protection, warmth and tenderness? Or does the word “father” paint a much different picture for you. In today’s podcast, we’re going to talk about the Father Heart of God.

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“ORPHAN” Thinking – Part 2

Do you find you are constantly comparing yourself to others? Or do you get jealous when others get praise and recognition and you don’t? Do you find yourself feeling like you have to fight for everything you can get? These behaviors and many others come from living life from an orphan heart. That is the focus of today’s podcast.

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“ORPHAN” Thinking – Part 1

What would your life be like if you had no fear? Do you wake up every morning feeling like a son who is secure and confident of your Heavenly Fathers love, and live your life for the joy of giving that love away to others? Or, do you get up every day and feel like a slave, struggling constantly with fears of failure or rejection, unable to trust, wondering what you have to do to appease the master today? That’s what we are going to talk through in our podcast today.

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David and “GOLIATH”

When God called the Israelites to stand up to the Philistines, they were afraid. The giant named Goliath was a threat that seemed to great to overcome. David was confident in the Lord, and went out to meet Goliath. Through the power of God, not only did David defeat Goliath, but the army of Israel was emboldened to charge forward and overtake the Philistine army. What lesson can we learn from this story? Today on the podcast, Lee Whitman brings a strong charge of encouragement.

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On this special Valentines Day episode, Lee and Cindi Whitman take some time together to process through some of the key areas in their relationship that have experienced healing through the ministry of Restoring The Foundations.

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What is true worship, and how do we know if we are worshiping God rightly?

Today on the podcast, Lee Whitman shares some stories from his past that may help give you a fresh perspective on Biblical worship.

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